Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stevia-Aloe Vera and Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program

HCMS is organizing a 2 days of Aloe Vera and Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program in the second week (10th march - 11th march )  2018. You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing Aloe Vera leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the author’s own experience. Includes Aloe Vera leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Practical Training provided by the Technical experts having experienced of 12-15 years.Attendy could be individuals, Co-operates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant, trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information available for entrepreneur


1.The complete information about commercial cultivation of Stevia plants and Aloe Vera cultivation.
2.Before starting cultivation what parameters has to be taken?
3.Include field level primary processing /value addition activities.
4.Converting your business into small scale industries ?
5.On what parameters/standard Medicinal cultivation done?
6.Marketing aspects & services?
7.Profit percentage from single buyer and how much it is effective?
8.Guarantee of Buy back guarantor?
9.Certified plant saplings and seeds, surety of certification and standardization of material?
10.How can you choose any medicinal plants according to your place climate, Land soil and water availability?
11.List of Government certified & approved Herbal plants?
12.Climatically conditions, environmental improvement and soil improvement.
13.Employment to unemployed people?
14.Promotions of Herbal plants according to Government Schemes?
15.Medicinal farming through organic preparation?
16.Cultivation of Medicinal plants with minimum water level?
17.Safety about climatic diseases in Medicinal Herbs?
18.How to prepare nursery of Medicinal plants?
19.Subsidy from Central and State Government?
20.Formalities for Organic Certification?
21. Bankable projects and bank loan?


1.Vermicompost processing unit.
2.Stevia Farm Visit
3.Aloe-Vera farm visit and technical knowledge about sowing, harvesting, marketing and export.
(a) How to extract pulp from Aloe-Vera leaf?
(b) How to extract Juice from leaf?
4.Lemongrass farm visit.
5.Jatropha farm visit.


Training Duration:- 2 days

Training Time:- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Training Place:- Jaipur

Training Type:- Residential Training

Contact for Registration:-
Mr.Prashant Chaturvedi
Mob +91-8107379410
Mob +91-9351451120

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Specialization in Agriland and Farms

We have years of experience in the farm property market combined with specialised knowledge of agricultural property and farms in general by experienced consultants who knows the area and understands farming. If you are looking for farms please contact Prashant Chaturvedi at Sunrise Agriland .

We gained experience in various Agricultural Departments as Extension Officer for 15 years.We have experienced person Diploma in Agriculture and a National Diploma in Agriculture Extension.

HCMS Agriland offers you:

An extensive list of available farms includes all possible farming options from mixed, crop, fruit, livestock farming to game and eco tourism.
Free practical farming advice.
Free Market assessment of Property.
Organising soil and water analysis.
Rental management service.
Contact us today should you be interested in a farm and agricultural property in the Western, Eastern and Northern Cape Province of INDIA.

HCMS  specialises in farms and small holdings for sale. For a listing of stands, development land, residential and business properties for sale in the Rajasthan,Haryana,Andra Pradesh,Karnataka,Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir areas.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”


HCMS promoting sustainable agriculture  development for the eradication of poverty by guaranteeing environmental sustainability. Such agro-based environment-friendly technology is termed as Green Technology (GT).  Literatures show GT encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods or materials,from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic  cleaning products. It is that innovation which reduces waste by changing patterns of production and consumption. It is also defined as environmental healing technology, which reduces environmental damages created by the products and technologies forpeoples' conveniences. Most of the businesses may not be very excited to “go green” by reducing emissions since their motto is to make money not to save
the planet. The global strategy should be to help businesses do both.Globally, including the Asian and Pacific Region, major agro-technological changes have
been noticed. Such changes have been in agronomic practices; developing crop varieties with increased resistance to various diseases and pests; fertilizer-use and water conservation
technology; and technologies making cultivation suitable under various agro-climatic
As a reference to environment-friendly technology, organic agriculture has been considered as the fastest growing fields of the food sector. Therefore, organic agriculture has become a niche market since it forms 1%-2% of the total food market share and demonstrates a popular case for organically managed land practices.The revolution in Information Technology for precision farming, applied research in understanding ecological systems as production ecology and gene revolution for advancement in biotechnology have brought about major technological changes in agriculture. Although the technologies are available such as, the biotechnology, genetic engineering etc, the challenge is to determine the most suited and affordable technology by developing market mechanism for making applied technology competitive and sustainable.

In some countries government purchasing is encouraged for the products whose contents and methods of production have the smallest possible impact on the environment. In recent years, much more emphasis has been given in linking environmental factors with diversified development activities. For example, the terminologies, often used as "green building", or "high performance building", and or "sustainable building" address the impact of technology
on environment. It is found that energy, water, and materials are used so efficiently while constructing the structure, it not only support the longer lifetime of the structure alone, but also the health and productivity of occupants.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Changing scenario in Indian agriculture from mere subsistence farming to commercialized farming has been witness during 1990s. On one hand entry of people from Industrial sector, non-professional agriculturists, the educated elite and others to take up agriculture lead to the demand of timely and technically sound advice with reliable market oriented agricultural information. Agriculture & rural development is on the thrush hold of a dynamic growth. Promoting sustainable agriculture with rural development remains a challenge. While we share the name and the history of a NGO that founded in 1996, the Hahnemann charitable Mission society of today is focus & supporting agriculture sector , rural development, health & family welfare, environmental livelihood &capacity building, agro food processing .Innovation, perseverance and close attention to agriculture & rural peoples have characterized Hahnemann since it’s founding.

HCMS is an association formed by as a voluntary endeavour primarily as a social service institution based on no-profit basis, having no political intention and make variety of socially and locally based service available to reach the marginal/small /big farmers, individuals  & rural peoples.

Organization Approach
Nature friendly agricultural practices, awareness program, seminars, workshops, camps, exhibitions, events, surveys & land promotional activities.

Our Pledge
Growth for a Better nation - Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development.Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society 1996, is an ISO certified NGO having diversified network among the nation. The trust addresses itself as one of the growing organizations catering to qualitative and fruitful comprehensive consultancy services to growers, rural & urban peoples, AGRO & RURAL industry(s).We demarcate strong scientific cum cost friendly concepts to land management that gives greatest possible returns for our peoples. These consultancy services are back by, vast experiences and R & D reports. Services designed keeping in view of environmental effects & individual requirement& problem, we impart in trade promotion, exports, and value addition works. Hahnemann can do this best by providing value through the services we offer. Through field operations, knowledge of agricultural production and constant search for new agricultural solutions and technologies, seeks to develop, communicate and provide sustainable solutions. Our portfolio is build around innovative offerings in applications services. We want to make the peoples a better place for future generations. As a consultancy organization, Hahnemann can do this best by providing value through services we offer to rural & urban people.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”
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Benefits of Organic Neem Manure

We have been promoting medicinal, horticultural, Neem and Aromatic plantation since then and giving time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India.
Products made from Neem have proven medicinal properties, being anthelmintic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-infertility, and sedative. It is considered a major component in Organic Neem Manure and is particularly prescribed for Plant disease and for Plant Growth.
Benefits of Organic Neem Manure:-
• Bio Degradable and Eco friendly.
• Nourishes the soil and plants by providing all the macro and micro nutrients.
• Helps to eliminate bacteria responsible for denitrifying the soil.
• Ideal for cash crops and food crops.
• Increases the yield of crops.
• Helps to reduce the usage of fertilizer, thus reducing the cost of growing plants.
• Antifeedant properties helps to reduce the number and growth of insects and pests

We are promoting Neem based products & manures on large scale and supply & providing consultancies on:
·         Neem Oil
·         Neem Cake
·         Neem Cake Powder

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”

Friday, August 31, 2012

Organic farming

Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and biological pest control. Organic farming uses fertilizers and pesticides but excludes or strictly limits the use of manufactured (synthetic) fertilizers, pesticides (which include herbicides, insecticides and fungicides), plant growth regulators such as hormones, livestock antibiotics, food additives, genetically modified organisms, human sewage sludge, and nanomaterials.

There are three categories of opinions about the relevance of organic farming for India. The first one simply dismisses it as a fad or craze. The second category, which includes many farmers and scientists, opines that there are merits in the organic farming but we should proceed cautiously considering the national needs and conditions in which Indian agriculture functions. They are fully aware of the environmental problems created by the conventional farming. But many of them believe that yields are lower in organic cultivation during the initial period and also the cost of labour tends to increase therein. The third one is all for organic farming and advocates its adoption wholeheartedly. They think that tomorrow's ecology is more important than today's Conventional farm benefits.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”


Organic farming, evolved on the basic theoretical expositions of Rodale in the United States, Lady Balfour in England and Sir Albert Howard in India in the 1940s, has progressed to cover about 23 million hectares of land all over the world. Howard's magnum opus,'An Agricultural Testament' has a special significance to us in India as it is based on an analysis of the environment friendly farming practiced here for centuries. However, it is another matter that we lag behind a majority of agriculture based countries in the world in the practice of organic farming in spite of the fact that we have been one of the sufferers of the conventional farming system.

The relatively high success of organic farming in some countries are due to the high awareness of the health problems caused by the consumption of contaminated food products, the ill effects of environment degradation, appropriate supports by the government
and organisations like the European Union and International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). The financial support for organic farming extended by various national and provincial governments in these countries is very substantial to push
up the spread of organic methods. Strong marketing networks linking the farms, processing and distribution and the organisation of production  u n d e r the NGOs with stringent certification programmes were other fa6ts, which contributed to the growth of
organic farming. The growth rate of market values of organic p r o d u c ts is about 20 per cent per  a n n um in some of these countries.

The conventional farming had helped India not only to produce enough food for own consumption but also generated surpluses for exports. However, the increasing population and income will lead to further increases in demand for food and also for raw materials for
industry. The modern system of farming, it is increasingly felt, is becoming  u n s u s t a i n a b l e as evidenced by declining crop productivities, damage to environment, chemical contaminations, etc.The necessity of having an alternative agriculture method which can
function in a friendly eco-system while sustaining and increasing the crop productivity is realized now. Organic farming is recognized as the best known alternative to the conventional agriculture.

The progress of organic agriculture in India is very slow. We are able to convert only 41,000 ha of area so far, which is a mere 0.03 per cent of the cultivated area. These figures should be compared to 2,58,500 ha (11.30 per cent) of Austria, 1,02,999 ha (9.70 per cent)
of Switzerland, 1,83,000 ha (7.94 per cent) of Italy, 6,32,165 ha (3.70 per cent) of Germany and 9,50,000 ha (0.23 per cent) of USA.

The production of organic farms came to about 14,000 tonnes in India during 2002 and 85 per cent of it was exported. Domestic consumption is marginal and is concentrated in the metropolitan cities in the country. NGOs are spearheading the organic movement
in India as in other countries. The major weaknesses of organic agriculture in the country are absence of linkages between the farmers and markets and absence of financial support from the governments. India has the potential to become a major organic producing country given the international demand for our farm products, different agro-climatic regions for the cultivation of a number of crops, the size of the domestic market and above all the
long tradition of environment friendly farming and living. Experts have identified the areas suitable for the introduction of organic farming. However, an appropriate policy framework is yet to be laid down by the government. The only progress made in this direction
appears to be the implementation of National Standards for Organic production (NSOP) in 2000 and the founding of a National Institute of Organic Farming. A few agencies with the  a s s i s t a n c e of international bodies have entered the field of inspection and

An appropriate national agriculture policy, giving a prominent place to organic farming addressing the issues related to its coverage, financial support during the conversion period, creation of linkages among the farmers, processors, traders and consumers, inspection
and certification of organic products and increasing the public awareness of the benefits of organic agriculture along with the ill effects of the conventional system, should be designed. This must be followed by concrete action on the ground if we do not want to miss
the far reaching changes all over the world heralded by the organic farming movement.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022