Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program at Pink City

HCMS is organizing a 2 days Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program at Pink City Jaipur in the second week (10th march - 11th march)  2018.You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing stevia leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the author’s own experience. Includes stevia leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Practical Training provided by the Technical experts having experienced of 12-15 years. Attendy could be individuals, Co-operates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant,trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information available for entrepreneur.Training also include knowledge about organic farming,Aloevera,Jatropha farming,Lemon Grass.


1.The complete information about commercial cultivation of medicinal plants and Stevia cultivation.
2.Before starting cultivation what parameters has to be taken?
3.Include field level primary processing /value addition activities.
4.Converting your business into small scale industries ?
5.On what parameters/standard Medicinal cultivation done?
6.Marketing aspects & services?
7.Profit percentage from single buyer and how much it is effective?
8.Guarantee of Buy back guarantor?
9.Certified plant saplings and seeds, surety of certification and standardization of material?
10.How can you choose any medicinal plants according to your place climate, Land soil and water availability?
11.List of Government certified & approved Herbal plants?
12.Climatically conditions, environmental improvement and soil improvement.
13.Employment to unemployed people?
14.Promotions of Herbal plants according to Government Schemes?
15.Medicinal farming through organic preparation?
16.Cultivation of Medicinal plants with minimum water level?
17.Safety about climatic diseases in Medicinal Herbs?
18.How to prepare nursery of Medicinal plants?
19.Subsidy from Central and State Government?
20.Formalities for Organic Certification?
21. Bankable projects and bank loan?


1.Vermicompost processing unit.
2.Stevia Farm Visit
3.Aloe-Vera farm visit and technical knowledge about sowing, harvesting, marketing and export.
(a) How to extract pulp from Aloe-Vera leaf?
(b) How to extract Juice from leaf?
4.Lemongrass farm visit.
5.Jatropha farm visit.


Training Duration:- 2 days

Training Time:- 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Training Place:- Jaipur

Training Type:- Residential Training


We are providing following facilities to trainee :

• Food
• Farm visit

Contact for Registration:-Mr.Prashant Chaturvedi
Mob +91-8107379410
Mob +91-9351451120

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Agro-climatic conditions in India

In India, the development of organic agriculture is receiving increasing attention among farmers, producers, processors, traders, exporters and consumers. Growing consciousness of health hazards due to the possible contamination of farm produce from the use of chemical fertilizers have immensely contributed to the revival of this form of farming during the last five years. 

Agro-climatic conditions in India and our agricultural biodiversity are conducive to organic agriculture and, hence, offer : tremendous scope for cultivation of a wide range of organic products. India is now understood to be a potential supplier of organic products to the international market. Presently, India is exporting these products to Europe, US and Japan and volumes are looking up.Farming  systems  dependent  on  input  of  artificial  fertilizers  and/or  chemicals  and pesticides or which are not in conformity with the basic standards of organic production.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What are the environmental benefits of organic Cultivation

Sustainability over the long term. Many changes observed in the environment are long term, occurring slowly over time. Organic agriculture considers the medium- and long-term effect of agricultural interventions on the agro-ecosystem. It aims to produce food while establishing an ecological balance to prevent soil fertility or pest problems. Organic agriculture takes a proactive approach as opposed to treating problems after they emerge.

Soil- Soil building practices such as crop rotations, inter-cropping, symbiotic associations, cover crops, organic fertilizers and minimum tillage are central to organic practices. These encourage soil fauna and flora, improving soil formation and structure and creating more stable systems. In turn, nutrient and energy cycling is increased and the retentive abilities of the soil for nutrients and water are enhanced, compensating for the non-use of mineral fertilizers. Such management techniques also play an important role in soil erosion control. The length of time that the soil is exposed to erosive forces is decreased, soil biodiversity is increased, and nutrient losses are reduced, helping to maintain and enhance soil productivity. Crop export of nutrients is usually compensated by farm-derived renewable resources but it is sometimes necessary to supplement organic soils with potassium, phosphate, calcium, magnesium and trace elements from external sources.

Water- In many agriculture areas, pollution of groundwater courses with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is a major problem. As the use of these is prohibited in organic agriculture, they are replaced by organic fertilizers (e.g. compost, animal manure, green manure) and through the use of greater biodiversity (in terms of species cultivated and permanent vegetation), enhancing soil structure and water infiltration. Well managed organic systems with better nutrient retentive abilities, greatly reduce the risk of groundwater pollution. In some areas where pollution is a real problem, conversion to organic agriculture is highly encouraged as a restorative measure.

Air and climate change- Organic agriculture reduces non-renewable energy use by decreasing agrochemical needs (these require high quantities of fossil fuel to be produced). Organic agriculture contributes to mitigating the greenhouse effect and global warming through its ability to sequester carbon in the soil. Many management practices used by organic agriculture (e.g. minimum tillage, returning crop residues to the soil, the use of cover crops and rotations, and the greater integration of nitrogen-fixing legumes), increase the return of carbon to the soil, raising productivity and favouring carbon storage. A number of studies revealed that soil organic carbon contents under organic farming are considerably higher. The more organic carbon is retained in the soil, the more the mitigation potential of agriculture against climate change is higher.  However, there is much research needed in this field, yet. There is a lack of data on soil organic carbon for developing countries, with no farm system comparison data from Africa and Latin America, and only limited data on soil organic carbon stocks, which is crucial for determining carbon sequestration rates for farming practices.

Biodiversity- Organic farmers are both custodians and users of biodiversity at all levels. At the gene level, traditional and adapted seeds and breeds are preferred for their greater resistance to diseases and their resilience to climatic stress. At the species level, diverse combinations of plants and animals optimize nutrient and energy cycling for agricultural production. At the ecosystem level, the maintenance of natural areas within and around organic fields and absence of chemical inputs create suitable habitats for wildlife. The frequent use of under-utilized species (often as rotation crops to build soil fertility) reduces erosion of agro-biodiversity, creating a healthier gene pool - the basis for future adaptation. The provision of structures providing food and shelter, and the lack of pesticide use, attract new or re-colonizing species to the organic area (both permanent and migratory), including wild flora and fauna (e.g. birds) and organisms beneficial to the organic system such as pollinators and pest predators. The number of studies on organic farming and biodiversity increased significantly within the last years. A Recent Study Reporting On A Meta-Analysis Of 766 Scientific Papers concluded that organic farming produces more biodiversity than other farming systems.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”

Friday, May 3, 2013

Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program at Pink City

HCMS is organizing a 2 days Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program at Pink City Jaipur in the second week (10th march  - 11th march )  2018You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing stevia leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the author’s own experience. Includes stevia leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Practical Training provided by the Technical experts having experienced of 12-15 years. Attendy could be individuals, Co-operates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant,trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information available for entrepreneur.Training also include knowledge about organic farming,Aloevera,Jatropha farming,Lemon Grass.


1.The complete information about commercial cultivation of medicinal plants and Stevia cultivation.
2.Before starting cultivation what parameters has to be taken?
3.Include field level primary processing /value addition activities.
4.Converting your business into small scale industries ?
5.On what parameters/standard Medicinal cultivation done?
6.Marketing aspects & services?
7.Profit percentage from single buyer and how much it is effective?
8.Guarantee of Buy back guarantor?
9.Certified plant saplings and seeds, surety of certification and standardization of material?
10.How can you choose any medicinal plants according to your place climate, Land soil and water availability?
11.List of Government certified & approved Herbal plants?
12.Climatically conditions, environmental improvement and soil improvement.
13.Employment to unemployed people?
14.Promotions of Herbal plants according to Government Schemes?
15.Medicinal farming through organic preparation?
16.Cultivation of Medicinal plants with minimum water level?
17.Safety about climatic diseases in Medicinal Herbs?
18.How to prepare nursery of Medicinal plants?
19.Subsidy from Central and State Government?
20.Formalities for Organic Certification?
21. Bankable projects and bank loan?


1.Vermicompost processing unit.
2.Stevia Farm Visit
3.Aloe-Vera farm visit and technical knowledge about sowing, harvesting, marketing and export.
(a) How to extract pulp from Aloe-Vera leaf?
(b) How to extract Juice from leaf?
4.Lemongrass farm visit.
5.Jatropha farm visit.


Training Duration:- 2 days

Training Time:- 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Training Place:- Jaipur

Training Type:- Residential Training


We are providing following facilities to trainee :

• Accomodation+ Food
• Farm visit

Contact for Registration:-Mr.Prashant Chaturvedi
Mob +91-8107379410
Mob +91-9351451120

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


HCMS an ISO Certified organization founded on 1996 continuously working towards its goal of social development and environment conservation by emphasising on medicinal & aromatic crop cultivation, horticulture animal husbandry & dairy. Our Company leads the flavour industry by setting high standards for customer satisfaction. Agriculture itself opens the door toward the social development. We introduce new technology among the farmers, train them for the latest technology, make them aware about the issue related to the environment issues related to the agriculture. We promote organic agriculture to improve the quality of the food and the conserve the bio-diversity. Besides the traditional food crop we give emphasis on the medicinal and aromatic crop cultivation, animal husbandry and dairy. We do regular research and introduce new medicinal and aromatic crops. As per market demand we avail the latest technology to the farmers. So that they can get the equal share from the development and they can also contribute their best toward the development. We develop the spirit of entrepreneurs among them instead of a farmer.

We have been promoting medicinal, horticultural, Neem and Aromatic plantation since then and giving time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India.Products made from Neem have proven medicinal properties, being anthelmintic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-infertility, and sedative. It is considered a major component in Organic Neem Manure and is particularly prescribed for Plant disease and for Plant Growth.

Benefits of Organic Neem Manure:-
• Bio Degradable and Eco friendly.
• Nourishes the soil and plants by providing all the macro and micro nutrients.
• Helps to eliminate bacteria responsible for denitrifying the soil.
• Ideal for cash crops and food crops.
• Increases the yield of crops.
• Helps to reduce the usage of fertilizer, thus reducing the cost of growing plants.
• Antifeedant properties helps to reduce the number and growth of insects and pests

We are promoting Neem based products & manures on large scale and supply & providing consultancies on:
·         Neem Oil
·         Neem Cake
·         Neem Cake Powder

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”
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